Patrice Chanzy 11
Nationality : French
Currently living in : Tahiti
Discipline : SUP, surf foil, wing foil
Favorite spot : Taapuna
Favorite move : Barrel
Inspirations : Laird, Brian Keaulana
Major accomplishements

Runner-up at Sapinus Pro 2011 Stand-Up World Tour event – Tahiti

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee

How did you start surfing and SUP-ing ?
I started surfing with my cousins.

What is your routine before you go riding ?
I put on sunscreen and I warm up.

Tell us about your best session.
A barrel on my SUP Anakao during a big day of shooting for the “Nuits de la Glisse” in 2014.

Worst wipeout?
A late take-off on my SUP one day of heavy conditions in Sapinus (Tahiti). I stayed underwater for so long that I ran out of air.

Who would you like to thank?
Thanks to F-ONE for helping me live my dreams on the ocean.

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